How the US waged a Global Campaign againstBaby formula Regulations

CLICK HERE for the full story MORE FROM THIS INVESTIGATION Documents Show Internal Clash Before U.S. Officials Pushed to Weaken Toddler Formula Rules Government documents obtained by ProPublica show a stark rift between trade and health officials over international…

Join the debate about SQLNS supplements and the prevention of undernutrition

Join the debate about micronutrient supplements and the prevention of undernutrition You are invited to participate in a debate about an article we published in the journal World Nutrition Vol 14 No 1 (2023) and Issue Vol 14 No 2 (2023).…

Is “small quantity lipid nutrition supplement” (SQ-LNS) a sustainable and pragmatic strategy to prevent malnutrition?

World Nutrition Issue Vol 14 No 1 (2023) Is “small quantity lipid nutrition supplement” (SQ-LNS) a sustainable and pragmatic strategy to prevent malnutrition? PDF of WN article Introduction by Ted Greiner. Arun Gupta, Dr IBFAN Nutrition Advocacy in Public Interest -India(NAPi)…

WHO on World Breastfeeding Week: Foods for infants and young children: a matter of concern?–a-matter-of-concern   Foods for infants and young children: a matter of concern? 3 August 2022 News release World Breastfeeding Week, held on 1–7 August each year, sparks discussions across the WHO European Region around the growing international concern about infant…

Petition: 40K people call for immediate halt to an unethical formula study in Uganda and Guinea-Bissau

.   UPDATE ON THIS RESEARCH This study has now been published. Rather than take on board the many serious criticisms made regarding  the protocol paper, the authors have sadly doubled down, ending the abstract with “more research” is…

IBFAN concerns about vulnerable groups and food safety

IBFAN to Dr. Branca Final 27.10.21 Agenda Item 8.3 Codex Alimentarius Commission November 2021 IBFAN Food Safety Statement 2020 Dr Francesco Branca Director Nutrition and Food Safety World Health Organization Avenue Appia 20 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland                                                                                                                                                             27th September 2021…

Comments on UK DRAFT DHSC Guidance Notes

FINAL GUIDELINES   DRAFT DHSC Guidance Notes on Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/127 (supplementing Regulation (EU) No 609/2013)   16th August 2021 The UK has held a consultation on draft guidance on Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/127 for…


Thanks to Marsha Walker for sending this good news from the USA regarding action on. the marketing of follow-on/toddler milks. Citizen-Petition-argues-toddler-milks-threaten-children-s-health-and-pose-economic-harm-to-families In a Citizen’s Petition,  children’s health advocates are ramping up pressure on FDA to curb the rapidly growing sales…