Join the debate about SQLNS supplements and the prevention of undernutrition

Join the debate about micronutrient supplements and the prevention of undernutrition You are invited to participate in a debate about an article we published in the journal World Nutrition Vol 14 No 1 (2023) and Issue Vol 14 No 2 (2023).…

Is “small quantity lipid nutrition supplement” (SQ-LNS) a sustainable and pragmatic strategy to prevent malnutrition?

World Nutrition Issue Vol 14 No 1 (2023) Is “small quantity lipid nutrition supplement” (SQ-LNS) a sustainable and pragmatic strategy to prevent malnutrition? PDF of WN article Introduction by Ted Greiner. Arun Gupta, Dr IBFAN Nutrition Advocacy in Public Interest -India(NAPi)…

New UNICEF report: 78 million newborns at risk when breastfeeding is delayed

New UNICEF Report: CAPTURE THE MOMENT: Early initiation of breastfeeding: The best start for every newborn Al Jazeera and news agencies UNICEF: 78 million newborns at risk when breastfeeding is delayed Babies should be breastfed within an hour of…

Getting messages right – revised DEC appeal

STOP PRESS Manila Bulletin:  DOH bans donation of breastmilk substitutes during disasters   June 3, 2017, 3:20 PM   By Betheena Kae Unite We contacted the aid agencies and complained to the Disaster’s Emergency Committee (DEC)  about its appeal published on…