Compilation: Why Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships are so problematic The need for sound information on infant and young child feeding is at the heart of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and the 20 World Health Assembly Resolutions that have…
Petition: 40K people call for immediate halt to an unethical formula study in Uganda and Guinea-Bissau Is ZeroSeparation Astroturfing? How business groups use babies to recruit allies New Lancet series: Revisiting maternal and child undernutrition Nestlé cancels its…
Digital Marketing is out of control -a WHA Resolution is urgently needed
Digital Marketing is out of control – a Resolution is needed to protect mothers and babies WHO 154th Executive Board, WHO HQ Geneva, 22 27 January- 2024. 2024 is a reporting year for Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) Digital…
Must read new book: The Bill Gates Problem by Tim Schwab
“The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the Myth of the Good Billionaire” Now available in USA, UK, India, Germany & beyond
WHO Guideline on prevention and management of Wasting
WHO Guideline on prevention and management of Wasting and nutritional oedema (acute malnutrition) Information on the GL WHO issues new guideline to tackle acute malnutrition in children under five 20 November 2023 News release Reading time: 2 min (497 words)…
Nestlé to shut Irish infant formula plant
Irish Times Nestlé to shut Co Limerick infant formula plant Dominic Coyle David Raleigh. Wed Oct 18 2023 The Irish Times reports that Nestle Ireland is to close its factory in County Limerick, because ” demand for infant formula in…
Join the debate about SQLNS supplements and the prevention of undernutrition
Join the debate about micronutrient supplements and the prevention of undernutrition You are invited to participate in a debate about an article we published in the journal World Nutrition Vol 14 No 1 (2023) and Issue Vol 14 No 2 (2023).…
Is “small quantity lipid nutrition supplement” (SQ-LNS) a sustainable and pragmatic strategy to prevent malnutrition?
World Nutrition Issue Vol 14 No 1 (2023) Is “small quantity lipid nutrition supplement” (SQ-LNS) a sustainable and pragmatic strategy to prevent malnutrition? PDF of WN article Introduction by Ted Greiner. Arun Gupta, Dr IBFAN Nutrition Advocacy in Public Interest -India(NAPi)…
WBC4. IBFAN’s World Breastfeeding Conference in CAIRO
IBFAN’s World Breastfeeding Conference in Cairo organised by IBFAN ARAB WORLD Promo video of the Event WBC4 Call to Action (12) Spanish Portuguese French Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, Steve Wearne. Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission 2 minute welcome. 7 Minute Codex…
Vandana Shiva on Bill Gates
Vandana Shiva interviewed about Bill Gates Vandana is always worth listening to. ____________________________
UK decision to slash foreign aid paves the way for private cash
The decision by the UK Government to slash foreign aid is being widely criticised as penny-pinching. We believe this misses the point. Surely the decision is not about saving cash at all, but part of a deliberate strategy to let…
Why the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Initiative is a threat to child health.
Powerpoint presentations: N4G GBC (2) Multistakeholder power Why the Nutrition for Growth (N4G) global pledging initiative is a threat to child health – how industry infiltrates the baby food policy space. “At a time when poverty rates, economic disparity,…
How companies exploit the COVID-19 crisis
How companies are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic pretending their marketing through digital social media is ‘Humanitarian’ and that their products build immunity. Examples of Nestlé’s widespread promotion of NanGrow 3 – for babies over one. Nestlé implies that the addition…
When the SUN casts a shadow – the human rights risks of multi-stakeholder partnerships
Full report: ENGLISH FRENCH SPANISH 4-page brief February 24, 2020 When the SUN casts a shadow New research study sheds light on the human rights risks of the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) In the past two decades ‘multi-stakeholder’ partnerships have…
Protected: When the Sun casts a shadow
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Malnutrition to transform business prospects
I wasn’t invited to the invitation only event but I found this sentence especially revealing: “Companies across all sectors hold huge, transformative power to save countless lives and transform their own financial prospects” Feedback from those who were there would…
World in Progress: Who decides what’s healthy? Private donors impacting WHO’s health policies
World in Progress: Who decides what’s healthy? Private donors impacting WHO’s health policies The current Corona virus outbreak highlights the importance or international coordination in health, and the World Health Organization plays and important role in that. But as UN…
Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition – Draft One
IBFAN is a member of Food and Nutrition working group of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). We regularly contribute to the deliberations of the CSM-CFS through the WG. Presently, the CFS is…
WHO evaluation of Framework for Engagement with Non State Actors (FENSA)
Evaluation of WHO’s Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA), November 2019. WHO Evaluation Office _____________________________________________ We have been calling on WHO to carry out a thorough, open and transparent evaluation of FENSA ever since this Framework was adopted in…
Trust WHO: The Business of Global Health
STOP PRESS: April 2020Vimeo removes the film “trustWHO” which depicts the hidden practices of the WHO Trust WHO: The Business of Global Health Investigating the hidden motives behind actions of the World Health Organisation and the real powers that control…
IBFAN’s comments after the Frankfurt meeting convened by Meridian Institute
IBFAN’s comments after the Frankfurt meeting convened by Meridian Institute Thanks to GIFA for this post. News > IBFAN’s comments after the Frankfurt meeting convened by Meridian Institute Despite IBFAN’s November 2017 Call to Action, Meridian Institute (MI) convened the…
New UNICEF report: 78 million newborns at risk when breastfeeding is delayed
New UNICEF Report: CAPTURE THE MOMENT: Early initiation of breastfeeding: The best start for every newborn Al Jazeera and news agencies UNICEF: 78 million newborns at risk when breastfeeding is delayed Babies should be breastfed within an hour of…
Draft Council conclusions Healthy Nutrition for Children: The Healthy Future of Europe
Draft Council conclusions Healthy Nutrition for Children: The Healthy Future of Europe Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council session on 22 June 2018 Conclusions on “Healthy nutrition for children: The healthy future of Europe” On 26 April 2018,…
Tackling Conflicts of Interest at the Zero Hunger Conference in Ecuador
The Third Zero Hunger Summit brought together experts from 35 countries and nine presidents to analyze mechanisms to combat nutrition problems in the Ecuadorian city of Cuenca. Several former presidents, including Oscar Arias (Costa Rica) and Nobel Peace Prize winner…
Larsson-Rosenquist Family’s vested interest in Medela 28 OCT 2015 CONFLICT OF INTEREST – THE BREASTFEEDING FRIENDLY COUNTRY INDEX PROJECT Posted at 10:06h in Code Related by Ibfan-Penang 0Likes We anticipate that in the near future, many (mothers, health workers, and public health advocates, etc.) will…
G2H2 the Geneva Global Health Hub – pre meeting before
WHO governance: The conversation continues Civil society meetings related to WHO EB142, 19-20 January 2018 Baby Milk Action is a member of the Geneva Global Health Hub G2H2 that was launched during a civil society side event at the 69th World…
New DRAFT: IBFAN comments on WHO’s Plan of Work
STOP PRESS: WHO has now published its draft 13th General Programme of Work (GPW13). English Strategy on a page WHO Impact Framework “The draft 13th General Programme of Work will be discussed at a Special Session of WHO’s Executive…
World Bank must stop promoting “dangerous” public-private partnerships
Click Here: PPP for the Statement, World Bank must stop promoting “dangerous” public-private partnerships Brussels/Washington DC, October 11 2017. A new campaign aimed at reversing the dangerous rush to promote expensive and high-risk public-private partnerships (PPPs) was launched today by civil…
Corporate power on show at the Conservative conference
Baby Milk Action is not aligned to any political party. Here are some of the notable things I spotted at the Conservative Conference in Manchester in October. Sugar and Nuclear power: With hardly any fringe events on health on the agenda, I was still…
Babies and mothers worldwide failed by lack of investment in breastfeeding
CLICK HERE for UNICEF analysis of Press coverage JOINT PRESS RELEASE 1 August 2017 New analysis shows an investment of US$4.70 per newborn could generate US$300 billion in economic gains by 2025 GENEVA/NEW YORK, 1 August 2017 – No country in the…
IBFAN tackles corporate influence in global health governance at the 70th World Health Assembly
Web screenings of the proceedings can be viewed on this link CLICK HERE for the statements on the IBFAN GIFA website COMMITTEE B Friday 25th May Afternoon (aprox 3.30) Management, legal and governance matters 23.3 Engagement with non-State actors . International Baby…
Should WHO be accountable to businesses? Responses from DG candidates
Should WHO be accountable to businesses? Responses from two of the Candidates for WHO Director General See the Open letter sent directly to the three candidates published in The Lancet: The election of WHO’s next Director General will take place on Tuesday…
Trump & trade; WHO: in the claws of the lobbyists? India and Malnutrition
Trump & trade; WHO: in the claws of the lobbyists? India and Malnutrition, Amsterdam tackles Obesity Here are links to media coverage of some important stories: a German/French TV Documentary on WHO: its funding and relation to corporations and philanthropists;…
Getting messages right – revised DEC appeal
STOP PRESS Manila Bulletin: DOH bans donation of breastmilk substitutes during disasters June 3, 2017, 3:20 PM By Betheena Kae Unite We contacted the aid agencies and complained to the Disaster’s Emergency Committee (DEC) about its appeal published on…
UK and US responses to Fed is Best website
Fed is Best A new organisation has sprung up called Fed is Best. It is being organised by Dr Christine Del Castillo – Hegyi – a physician based in the USA. Fed is Best seems to be attacking the BFHI 10 Steps…
Feeding babies in neonatal units – how an important campaign nearly got derailed.
Here is a letter from Professor Mary Renfrew of Dundee University that explains what happened when an appeal got thrown open to all and sundry. Dear colleagues You may remember the correspondence a few weeks ago about this Open…
Open letter regarding the Gates Foundation application for official relations
January 26, 2017 (Geneva): A joint statement (signed by 36 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) was issued to members of the World Health Organization’s Executive Board (EB) at its semi-annual meeting this week in Geneva. EB members will decide on Tuesday 31st January whether to…
IBFAN at WHO’s 140th Executive Board meeting
140th WHO Executive Board Meeting 23rd January – 1st February 2017 There has been an IBFAN team in Geneva for the WHO Executive Board Meeting. Two days have been spent in closed meetings for the shortlisting of three candidates for the post…
Trade vs Health – WHO opens the door to big business while trying to protect babies.
PDF: WHA69 IBFAN PR FINAL.2 CLICK HERE for TV Documentary WHO: in the claws of the lobbyists? MIYCN Resolution Guidance on ending the inappropriate marketing of foods for infants and young children WHA 69/7 Add 1 FENSA RESOLUTION PRESS RELEASE Trade…
Gates Foundation and clarification on IBFAN funding policy
Below are some media and research articles about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) along with a Clarification of IBFAN’s funding policy. Don’t reduce the global poor to potential consumers By treating health care as a commodity, Gates…
How does the Gates Foundation spend its money to feed the world?
New from GRAIN | 4 November 2014 How does the Gates Foundation spend its money to feed the world? Since the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation added “feeding the world” to its objectives almost a decade ago, it has channelled…