NEW pic.IBFAN-Immune-systemIBFAN Immune system (2)

UK UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative  Research Overview

First Steps Nutrition Trust  Information for Health workers REPORTS STATEMENTS

The costs of bottle-feeding

UNICEF  Global


IBFAN Breastfeeding Briefs : September 2014   The advantages, disadvantages and risks of ready-to-use foods
Guest editor: Ted Greiner


Nestlé pushes Maternal Milks 

Nestlé promotion of maternal milks and probiotics with bogus ‘science’

“Last year the company launched MATERNA G-Balance, a new nutritional solution for pregnant women to help prevent gestational diabetes. With the introduction of MATERNA Opti-Lac, Nestlé is strengthening its portfolio, underlining its commitment to support optimal nutrition for mothers and babies during the first 1,000 days of life.The nutritional market potential for solutions to aid lactating mothers is gaining increased interest and R&D investment.”

Important for pregnant women to read the Cochrane review that seems to show that probiotics could make gestational diabetes worse: Probiotics to prevent gestational diabetes mellitus  It appears probiotics don’t help and may even increase pre-eclampsia.


Research on Toddler milks

“The present findings reveal that their inclusion in formulas predicts rapid weight gain as early as 9 months, and daily amounts of added sugars consumed by primarily formula-fed individuals are almost double those of primarily breast-fed individuals.”
Link to full article :