Special baby milk ‘more likely to fuel obesity, tooth decay and digestive problems’ “Nutritionists say nine in 10 babies in the UK given formulas designed for those allergic to cow’s milk do not actually have an allergy.” An Editorial in…
COMPILATION: EU lobby on sugar
European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early an age. EU Council conclusions on Childhood Overweight and Obesity Update on Sugar in baby foods: JRC report published Public…
EU bans misleading and unproven ‘greenwashing’ terms
EU agrees directive banning misleading use of environmental claims on many products Terms such as ‘environmentally friendly’ and ‘biodegradable’ to be banned unless proved by an authority Kevin O’Sullivan Wed Jan 17 2024 – 14:04 https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/2024/01/17/eu-agrees-directive-banning-misleading-use-of-environmental-claims-on-many-products/ An EU directive targeting…
Codex green-lights wasteful, sweetened Ultra-Processed drinks for older babies
Codex green-lights wasteful, sweetened, Ultra-Processed drinks for older babies 46th Codex Commission meeting: 27.11.23 – 2.12.23 Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Rome March 23 Nov 22 FINAL REPORT List of participants WEB-STREAM IBFAN has been attending the 46th Session…
Farewell to two wonderful women: Glenys Kinnock & Rufaro Madzima and Prof Phil James
I am so sorry to hear the sad news about the loss of two wonderful women, Glenys Kinnock and Rufaro Madzima, and the obesity pioneer, Prof Phil James Glenys Kinnock, Former MEP, minister and wife of ex-Labour leader died 3rd…
Nestlé to shut Irish infant formula plant
Irish Times Nestlé to shut Co Limerick infant formula plant Dominic Coyle David Raleigh. Wed Oct 18 2023 The Irish Times reports that Nestle Ireland is to close its factory in County Limerick, because ” demand for infant formula in…
Good news: Glyphosate fails to get authorisation
Glyphosate: no qualified majority in Standing Committee, proposal for renewal now to proceed to Appeal Committee Congratulations to HEAL, the Health and Environment Alliance, for organising this campaign Statement 13 October 2023Brussels Today, the European Commission failed to get enough…
Summer update – WBW – Global Congress
s World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August) – Making a Difference for Working Parents REGISTER HERE for the Global Breastfeeding Coalition Webinar at 2pm Geneva time. The right to maternity protection for mothers who work outside the home is the theme of this…
EU Baby food laws retained for the UK
NEWS: Retained EU Law (REUL) Act published Thanks to the Baby Feeding law Group for alerting us to this news Following months of deliberation and considerations from the Houses of Lords and Commons respectively, the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform)…
World Breastfeeding Week – 2023 – Making a difference for Working Parents
The theme of the 2023 World Breastfeeding Week (the annual event run by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action that started in 1992) is ‘Making a Difference for Working Parents’ Some of the social media resources and events taking place:…
Should animals be pumped with growth drugs to increase growth and global trade?
Should animals be pumped with growth drugs – just to increase global trade? Codex Alimentarius Commission 21-25 November 2022 Rome, Italy Web streaming link:HERE IBFAN Zilpaterol statement PDF While the rest of the world is, at last, waking up to…
WHO on World Breastfeeding Week: Foods for infants and young children: a matter of concern?
https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/03-08-2022-foods-for-infants-and-young-children–a-matter-of-concern Foods for infants and young children: a matter of concern? 3 August 2022 News release World Breastfeeding Week, held on 1–7 August each year, sparks discussions across the WHO European Region around the growing international concern about infant…
WHO Model law for the European Region
ENDING INAPPROPRIATE MARKETING OF BREAST-MILK SUBSTITUTES AND FOODS FOR INFANTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN PDF The WHO European Region: protecting the most vulnerable Coinciding with the launch of the new WHO–UNICEF global report: “How marketing of formula milk influences our decisions…
Comments on UK DRAFT DHSC Guidance Notes
FINAL GUIDELINES https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/infant-and-follow-on-formula-and-food-for-special-medical-purposes https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/infant-and-follow-on-formula-and-food-for-special-medical-purposes/commission-delegated-regulation-eu-2016127-supplementing-regulation-eu-no-6092013-guidance DRAFT DHSC Guidance Notes on Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/127 (supplementing Regulation (EU) No 609/2013) 16th August 2021 The UK has held a consultation on draft guidance on Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/127 for…
Closure of the EU Platform for Action on Diet
Closure of the EU Platform for Action on Diet_signed (see previous Blog: NGO left the Platform: July 2019. https://www.babymilkaction.org/archives/22161 Dear Sir or Madam, Please be informed that in order to meet our obligations and objectives stemming from the new…
Boris Johnson, ‘dead bodies’ and selective amnesia on the EU
Guardian Letters Tue 27 Apr 2021 17.53 BST Tory sleaze and Boris Johnson’s careless words and deeds Les Bright, Denis MacShane, Martyn Taylor, David Wall, Patti Rundall and David Huggon respond to an article by Alan Finlayson and the latest…
Australia: consultation on the industry voluntary self-regulatory agreement (MAIF)
Consultation on the Australian voluntary self-regulatory agreement (MAIF) The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is consulting on an application by the Infant Nutrition Council (INC) for re-authorisation for current and future manufacturers in, and importers into, Australia of infant…
News, articles and action you can take on UK US trade deals
Exclusive: UK trade minister reverses decision to remove think tank meetings from public register By William James, Andy Bruce 09/03/2020 LONDON (Reuters) – British trade minister Liz Truss has reversed a decision to remove meetings she held with an influential…
Shocking gaps in emergency preparedness for Europe’s babies, new report shows
PRESS RELEASE Split, Croatia Thursday, 4th June 2020 Summary report Full report Press Release. Research article The Covid 19 pandemic has shown how important it is for countries to protect their…
Health and nutrition claims for infant formula are poorly substantiated and potentially harmful
Guidance for the Conduct and Reporting of Clinical Trials of Breast Milk Substitutes Another important paper has been published in JAMA using the output from a global Delphi project which aims to protect breastfeeding when clinical trials of BMS are…
Baby Feeding Law Group
The Baby Feeding Law Group https://www.bflg-uk.org/ Who we are The Baby Feeding Law Group UK was founded by Baby Milk Action in 1997 and has been working for over 20 years to strengthen UK baby feeding laws in line…
Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition – Draft One
IBFAN is a member of Food and Nutrition working group of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). We regularly contribute to the deliberations of the CSM-CFS through the WG. Presently, the CFS is…
Nestlé under fire again
Milk for older babies Nestlé struggles to win over baby formula critics By Jessica Davis Plüss This content was published on January 10, 2020 11:00 AM Jan 10, 2020 Growing-up milk, specially-formulated for older infants, generated the majority of sales growth…
CODEX: Exporting countries put trade before the health of the planet and children
Exporting countries put trade before the health of the planet and children 41st Codex Nutrition meeting (CCNFSDU) 23 – 29th November 2019, Dusseldorf, Germany REPORT of the meeting Efforts by developing countries, WHO, UNICEF and the International Baby Food Action…
NGOs leave EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity & Health
Platform pages UD46.2014.sm-4 NGOs leave EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity & Health Stop Press: Page 71 of the revised European Union Health Policy Book, published by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. ‘’…The Platform lost momentum when…
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health While EU Legislation on baby food marketing fails to meet WHO marketing requirements on several important areas (1) in terms of food safety and Human Rights, EU laws are some…
EAT-Lancet Commission’s report on sustainable health and planetary boundaries
https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/unhealthy-diet-bigger-killer-than-tobacco/articleshow/68759153.cms https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/03/science/diet-vegetables.html I attended the debate on the EAT-Lancet Commission’s report on sustainable health and planetary boundaries on 20th February 2019. The report recommends radical changes to a low meat/high veg diet and more sustainable, extensive farming…
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health.
Baby Milk Action supporters will be aware that EU Legislation on baby food marketing fails to meet WHO marketing requirements However in terms of food safety and Human Rights, EU laws are some of the world’s strongest and at Codex…
Baby Milk Action response:EU Brexit Consultation – The Nutrition (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
UK Brexit Consultation. The Nutrition (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018 Baby Milk Action Comment Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK EU Chronology Consultation description This two week consultation conducted by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) ended on Friday 14th.…
Time to call a halt to Multi-Stakeholder Platforms – including the EU Platform for Action on Diet Physical Activity and Health.
Joint meeting of the High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical Activity and the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health on 26 October 2018, in Luxembourg Joint Meeting Agenda Platform Agenda Minutes of the Platform meeting…
Urgent call to protect child health from harmful trade rules
The UN committee that deals with trade – the Codex Committee on Nutrition – will be meeting in Berlin from 24th -30th November 2018. CLICK HERE for background This is a critically important meeting for child health and IBFAN and…
Draft Council conclusions Healthy Nutrition for Children: The Healthy Future of Europe
Draft Council conclusions Healthy Nutrition for Children: The Healthy Future of Europe Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council session on 22 June 2018 Conclusions on “Healthy nutrition for children: The healthy future of Europe” On 26 April 2018,…
French and US Trade delegations put child health at risk
CLICK HERE for PDF in Spanish French and US Trade delegations put child health at risk 39th Codex Alimentarius Nutrition Committee (CCNFSDU), Berlin, Germany 4th – 8th December 2017 The nutrition committee of the WHO/FAO Codex Alimentarius Commission – the UN body…
French Government calls for global withdrawal of Lactalis formulas
French Government calls for global withdrawal of Lactalis formulas. 14.12.2017 It took almost ten days for the Government of France to react to the scandal of widespread contamination of powdered formula milks produced by the giant French dairy producer Lactalis.…
URGENT Call for EU member states to support UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights
URGENT Call for EU member states to support UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights CLICK HERE for PDF CLICK here for links to webcasts etc CLICK here for the daily Updates from the European Colation for Corporate…
EU MPS to debate safety on imports from Japan
STOP PRESS: CLICK HERE to hear the debate where MEPs voted in favour of the Resolution below. The Green Group of the European Parliament has proposed a Resolution about imports of food from Japan following the Fukushima disaster. The draft Motion…
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reaffirms the need for strict controls
Latest science further protects infants The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published its final guidance on 31st May on the assessment needed for food for babies under the age of 16 weeks. Following a consultation EFSA maintains the requirement for an extended one…
Update on Sugar in baby foods: JRC report published
Update October 2018 DG Research (JRC) has published its report: Feeding infants and young children. An analysis of national food-based dietary guidelines and specific products available in the EU market; EUR 29395 EN; Luxembourg Publications Office of the European Union,…
Romania: EU legislation and the protection of child health
STOP PRESS: Case Studies on inequalities in the EU and Romania IBFAN UK EU Chronology Romania: EU legislation and the protection of child health Considerations that Member States can take into account in their nutrition and health planning. …
England, NI and Wales: Improvement Notices introduced today to enforce EU formula and baby food marketing rules – companies face criminal charges for non compliance
Baby Milk Action press release 20 July 2016 The UK Government and devolved authorities have today introduced Statutory Instruments updating formula and baby food marketing laws in line with new EU regulations. Although the Regulations fall far short of international minimum standards repeatedly…
Brexit and what it means for our work protecting infant and young child health
Click here to download this briefing as a pdf file. The UK has now voted in the referendum on its membership of the European Union (EU). There are pros and cons to any decision and one so momentous for the…
Trade vs Health – WHO opens the door to big business while trying to protect babies.
PDF: WHA69 IBFAN PR FINAL.2 CLICK HERE for TV Documentary WHO: in the claws of the lobbyists? MIYCN Resolution Guidance on ending the inappropriate marketing of foods for infants and young children WHA 69/7 Add 1 FENSA RESOLUTION PRESS RELEASE Trade…
PRESS RELEASE: US trade lobby ignores global health concerns
Press Release (PDF) PRESS RELEASE: US trade lobby ignores global health concerns 69th World Health Assembly 26th May, 2016 At this year’s World Health Assembly in Geneva – three hot topics are on the agenda: baby foods, WHO’s interactions with Business…
Mothers need support not pressure – Baby Milk Action presentation to MPs
Click here to share this information using our new format for social media, smartphones and tablets (also works on computers). Baby Milk Action’s presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Infant Feeding and Inequalities – 17 May 2016…
Commission Report on Young Child Formula
The Commission has published its long awaited report on Young Child Formula. Despite the fact that Member States wanted action, the Commission proposes no effective action, and leaves these products opento the market Nutraingredients: No new legislation needed on ‘growing…
URGENT: EU Parliament to vote on nutrient profiles
URGENT: EU Parliament to vote on nutrient profiles 12th April. Please contact your MEP Nutrient profiles could be very helpful in curbing the huge number of claims authorised for baby foods and products. Thanks to the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)…
The Lancet Breastfeeding Series – holding corporations accountable
In part 1 of this article, I reflected on the new Lancet Breastfeeding Series and other significant developments in January concerning our mission to protect breastfeeding and protect babies fed on formula. My focus was on the paper concerning health benefits…
European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early an age.
CLICK HERE for the new DELEGATED ACTS Click Here for BMJ article. bmj.i553.full PRESS RELEASE European Parliament votes for big reductions in sugar in baby foods and prohibitions on labelling at too early an age. 20th January 2016 European Parliament, Strasbourg …
New European Union regulations
Baby food regulations: 6-months recommendation and less sugar Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) voted on 19 January 2016 (393 votes in favour, 305 votes against) to reject draft EU rules on baby food, which would have allowed baby foods…
Act now to reduce sugar levels in baby foods
Update 20 January: This campaign was successful. Click here for details. Take action to contact your representatives in the European Parliament before 20 January to strengthen baby food marketing regulations. Here is a quick explanation and instructions on what to…