Here are the upcoming screenings: 29th July 2019, Mermaid Arts Centre, Bray Co Wicklow 4th August, Sunday, 13.00.Prince Charles, London Leicester Square, TICKETS 4th August, Sunday, 5pm, The Loft Cinema, Hereford. TICKETS 12th August, The Curzon, 7.30, Clevedon 11th…
IBFAN at the 42nd Codex Commission meeting in Geneva
I attended the Codex meeting in Geneva and spoke on several subjects, including the concern by African countries about additives added to liquid milk, and the need to ensure that there are safeguards against commercial interest, especially of the…
Commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region (2019)
Commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region (2019) Download. English (PDF, 5.5 MB) A study of the availability, composition and marketing of baby foods in four European countries In order to help Member States…
Human rights risks of multi-stakeholder partnerships: the Scaling Up Nutrition Initiative
Human rights risks of multi-stakeholder partnerships: the Scaling Up Nutrition Initiative Laura Michéle, FIAN International, Kavya Chowdhry, FIAN International, Patti Rundall, IBFAN and Stefano Prato, SID FULL REPORT: SUN EXCERPT: SUN Spotlight_2019
NGOs leave EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity & Health
Platform pages NGOs leave EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity & Health Stop Press: Page 71 of the revised European Union Health Policy Book, published by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. ‘’…The Platform lost momentum when…
IBFAN comment on EFSA open session on age of introduction of baby foods
IBFAN comment on EFSA Public Consultation on the draft scientific opinion on appropriate age for introduction of baby foods. 93rd NDA Plenary Meeting in Parma. – 3rd July 2019 Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) After attending the…
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health While EU Legislation on baby food marketing fails to meet WHO marketing requirements on several important areas (1) in terms of food safety and Human Rights, EU laws are some…
Public Health England finds Snacks for babies contain ‘unacceptable’ amounts of sugar
Important new report published by Public Health England Foods and drinks aimed at infants and young children: evidence and opportunities for action Foods_and_drinks_aimed_at_infants_and_young_children_June_2019 In January 2016 the European Parliament – led by the Greens – vote for big reductions in…
Global Heating – climate emergency – Green feeding
The carbon footprint of breastmilk substitutes in comparison with breastfeeding Johan O. Karlsson, Tara Garnett, Nigel C. Rollins, Elin Roos Carbon Footprint Taking action now, worldwide – and from birth. First we need to talk about: global heating – not…
Companies Pushed Baby Formula in Peru Despite Ban
New York Times Companies Pushed Baby Formula in Peru Despite Ban By The Associated Press June 10, 2019 LIMA, Peru — Nestle and other multinational companies pushed expensive baby formula to a low-income community near Peru’s capital despite the…
International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA) creeps closer to WHO
International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA) creeps closer to WHO Below is an example of why its risky to praise voluntary commitments of food corporations. While we of course support WHO’s efforts to bring about legal bans in all countries …
Should Exclusive Breastfeeding Still Be Recommended for 6 Months?
Perspective: Should Exclusive Breastfeeding Still Be Recommended for 6 Months? Rafael Pérez-Escamilla Gabriela S Buccini Sofia Segura-Pérez Ellen Piwoz Advances in Nutrition, nmz039, Published:31 May 2019 ABSTRACT The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding of infants for the first 6 mo…
Breastfeeding and Physical fitness Exclusive Breastfeeding Is Favorably Associated with Physical Fitness in Children Objective: To examine the potential association between exclusive breastfeeding and its duration on physical fitness (PF) components during childhood. Materials and Methods: A random sample of 5,125 dyads children…
Expose of International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) – beware! Science institute that advised EU and UN ‘actually industry lobby group’ International Life Sciences Institute used by corporate backers to counter public health policies, says study June 3rd 2019 Arthur Neslen An institute whose experts have occupied key positions…
IBFAN highlights risks of WHO’s Governance reforms at the Executive Board meeting
145th WHO Executive Board. 29-30th May 2019 The 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva has now ended CLICK here for IBFAN’s statements. We are also tracking WHO’s transformation processes and governance reforms – and will deliver the statement below today…
EFSA’s faulty consultation on the age of introduction of baby foods closes.
Stop press: I will be attending the Open Plenary of the Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens on 3 July 2019 from 9 am to 3.30 pm where the draft opinion and the technical report addressing the comments…
IBFAN protecting child health at the 72nd World Health Assembly
With Fedora Bernard, Katie Campbell, Britta Boutry Stadelmann IBFAN’s team is covering this year’s World Health Assembly that is taking place in Geneva from 20-28th May. It will be followed by a 2-day meeting of the Executive Board (EB). You…
IBFAN at the Codex Labelling: Bio-fortification, Cross Branding, front of pack labelling
REP19_FLeIBFAN and partner NGOs at the CODEX Food Labelling Committee 45th CCFL, 13-17th May, 2019, Ottawa, Canada I will be posting a longer report soon, but in summary, this was a very successful week. The Bio-fortification definition was not agreed – indeed…
RCPCH and BMJ end infant formula sponsorship
February 2019. Calling time on formula milk adverts BMJ 2019; 364 doi: (Published 18 March 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:l1200 RCPCH statement on relationship with formula milk companies 31.1.2019: RCPCH Decision to suspend At the…
Excerpt from BMA Update 2013 – Gain and Kenya
STOP PRESS – After UPDATE went to Press GAIN told us that Danone is no longer a member because it is a Code violator. The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is an especially worriesome entity. On the Lead…
CSO Groups Call for Codex Guidelines on Front-of-pack Labelling to Protect the Right to Health not Corporate Interests
Codex FOPNL CSO Statement FINAL For Immediate Release: This week (13-17 May 2019) the Codex Alimentarius1Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL) will begin formal negotiations on guiding principles for the development of front-of-pack nutritition labelling (FOPNL) in Ottawa, Canada. …
WHO finds Breastfeeding reduces child obesity risk by up to 25%
Breastfeeding reduces child obesity risk by up to 25% The World Health Organisation says marketing claims formula is as good for babies as breast milk are misleading Obesity Facts: Association between Characteristics at Birth, Breastfeeding and Obesity in 22 Countries:…
The carbon footprint of breastmilk substitutes in comparison with breastfeeding
New study funded by WHO and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences finds breastfeeding has a consistently lower carbon footprint than using breastmilk substitutes. This was true for all four countries studied in the assessment: UK, China, Brazil and Vietnam, where…
Commercial interests, transparency, and independence: a call for submissions
PDF Commercial interests, transparency, and independence: a call for submissions. Help the move towards independence from commercial interests. Submissions are welcome from now, with a final deadline of 15 January 2020. Ray Moynihan assistant professor 1, Helen Macdonald UK research…
IBFAN’s 3rd Breastfeeding Conference:Breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding.
Sign up for IBFAN’s 3rd Breastfeeding Conference: Breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding. Rio Nov 11-15th The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) with the support of the Government of Brazil and public universities, proudly host a joint meeting of…
First Steps Nutrition Trust expose of Nestlé’s claims
New Statement from First Steps Nutrition Trust 2019 Artificial human milk oligosaccharides in infant milks: A review of evidence provided to support claims made by Nestlé for their range of ‘Advanced’ infant milk products.April 2019 Nestlé Nutrition launched three…
Japanese solution
Nestlé’s vanilla formula
Nestlé breaks pledge to end use of vanilla flavouring in baby formula Arthur Neslen Tue 9 Apr 2019 06.00 The Guardian Firm selling vanilla-flavoured formulas in Hong Kong despite advertising products in China as healthy options, says report Nestlé, the…
The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins and Mrs Sabina Higgins to attend screening of Tigers whistleblower film
Irish Examiner A standing ovation and rapturous applause greeted Syed Aamir Raza, as he joined the panel of experts, following a recent private screening of the emotive and powerful movie Tigers. The Last word with Matt Cooper Jen…
EU Legislation and global trade
Although EU Legislation on baby food marketing fails to meet WHO marketing requirements, in terms of food safety, the Precautionary Principle and the EU charter of Fundamental Rights, EU laws are important and stronger than many. World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules in…
‘Unhealthy diet bigger killer than tobacco’
Times of India Sushmi Dey | TNN | Apr 7, 2019, 06:36 IST NEW DELHI: Unhealthy diet is responsible for more premature deaths than tobacco, high blood pressure or any other health risk, a new study published in Lancet has…
Nestle turns to mothers after 150 years of selling infant formula
Bloomberg March 28, 2019 Nestles range for pregnant women and mothers is already available in Mexico, Canada and China. File photo | Photo Credit: Pierre Albouy The Swiss food giant is expanding its offering for expecting and lactating women…
BMJ will no longer carry formula adverts
Calling time on formula milk adverts BMJ 2019; 364 doi: (Published 18 March 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:l1200 Article Related content Metrics Responses Fiona Godlee, editor in chief1, Sophie Cook, head of scholarly comment1, Rebecca Coombes, head of news and views1, Emad El-Omar,…
The Great Formula Milk Scandal: Channel 4 Dispatches 8pm Monday 18th March
We were consulted but haven’t seen this programme yet. It’s a follow on from Breastfeeding Uncovered – broadcast on the 30th July last year. It should be worth watching. Here is the description by the programme makers: “New mum Kate…
Time to end sponsorship of paediatric associations S0140-6736(18)32845-9 S0140-6736(18)32845-9 Much more work needed now to clean up the International Paediatric Association.
EAT-Lancet Commission’s report on sustainable health and planetary boundaries I attended the debate on the EAT-Lancet Commission’s report on sustainable health and planetary boundaries on 20th February 2019. The report recommends radical changes to a low meat/high veg diet and more sustainable, extensive farming…
New BBC exposé of British Lord Ahmed – former Nestlé advisor.
A BBC2 Newsnight report on 14th February 2019. 10.30 pm about former Labour peer Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, was soon followed on 1st March with news of charges of attempted rape of girl. Lord Ahmed is also charged with indecent…
Royal College of Pediatrics will no longer accept funding from formula companies
Click here and here for previous blogs. Click here for Quartz article Royal college stops taking funding from formula milk firms BMJ 2019; 364 doi: (Published 14 February 2019) Cite this as: BMJ 2019;364:l743 RCPCH statement on relationship…
Risks of WHO and Privately Funded groups
WHO’s Plan to Jointly Work With Privately-Funded Groups Threatens Its Credibility A number of non-state actors seeking renewal of their official relation status with the WHO receive funding from pharmaceutical, food and alcohol industries. WHO Executive Board holding its 144th…
New articles on conflicts of interest and other things
Broadening its donor base and non-state actors – Does WHO really have a choice when it comes to financing? Priti Patnaik. Weekly IHP news: ___________________________________________________________ Article on WHO by Alison Katz. Le Courrier 20.1.2019 Health for All HforAll40yearsSept2018…
RCPCH suspends formula company funding pending review
STOP PRESS. – Fantastic news! RCPCH statement on future funding agreements with formula milk companies 31 January 2019 A statement on the decision to suspend future funding agreements with formula milk companies pending a College review. In light of recent…
RCPCH uses IBFAN, WFP and IBCLC names to whitewash MENA conference
STOP PRESS: RCPCH statement on future funding agreements with formula milk companies After the Guardian expose, the UK Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) seems to be sliding deeper into trouble as a catalogue of ‘errors’ by the…
Leading UK child health body under fire over baby milk sponsorship
Leading UK child health body under fire over baby milk sponsorship Royal College of Paediatrics urged to rethink conference funding amid claims deal contravenes World Health Organization code Rebecca Ratcliffe Mon 28 Jan 2019
IBFAN at WHO’s Executive Board: tackling commercialisation of health care systems
Good article in Health Policy Watch 24th January – 1st February I’ve been at the WHO Executive Board meeting since 24th January – joining IBFAN GIFA colleagues Alessia Bigi and Fedora Bernard and partner…
UK Paediatricians protest at formula company sponsorship of RCPCH Conference in Egypt
Paediatricians and heath campaigners have written to the President of the UK Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) to protest about its decision to allow an international conference in Egypt to be sponsored by baby food companies Nestlé,…
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health.
Baby Milk Action supporters will be aware that EU Legislation on baby food marketing fails to meet WHO marketing requirements However in terms of food safety and Human Rights, EU laws are some of the world’s strongest and at Codex…
Nestlé in trouble for ‘influencing doctors to prescribe baby food’ in India Nestlé in trouble for ‘influencing doctors to prescribe baby food’ in India Himani Chandna New Delhi: Swiss food giant Nestlé is under the lens for allegedly influencing doctors to recommend its baby products, including infant milk powder, to parents. …
Considerations regarding the use of infant formula products in infant and young child feeding in emergencies World Nutrition 2018;9(3):261-283 261 Considerations regarding the use of infant formula products in infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E) programs Karleen Gribble 1, Christine Fernandes 2: 1.School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University, Parramatta, NSW. Australia.…
Time for complete transparency about conflicts of interest in public health nutrition research
published on HRB Open Research Open Letter Time for complete transparency about conflicts of interest in public health nutrition research Marita Hennessy 1, Katherine Cullerton. 2, Phil Baker3, Amy Brown4, Helen Crawley5, Catherine Hayes. 6, Patricia M. Kearney7, Colette Kelly8, Martin McKee 9, Melissa Mialon10, Mark Petticrew9, Patti…