Consultation on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Chance to include an indicator for Exclusive Breastfeeding and to define the term ‘Partnership’
Deadline 8th September
- You can send your comments/inputs individually or on behalf of your organisation to support the inclusion of Exclusive Breastfeeding as an SDG indicator.
- If you have time please also send comments on SDG 17 – Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. This is an SDG that IBFAN has many concerns about. It is used by those pushing Public Private Partnerships and Multi-Stakeholder arrangements. The private sector was invited into the SDG consultations in London and it was clear that this influenced the outcome.
Here are some suggestions for text:
IBFAN comments on the indicators relating to SDG 17
The revision of the Indicators for SDG17 as proposed above is not sufficient and IBFAN cannot support them in this context. The first priority must be to define the term Partnership and outline effective Conflict of Interest safeguards. Partnerships are, by definition, arrangements for ‘shared governance’ to achieve ‘shared goals.’ Indeed shared decision-making is their single most unifying feature ’. The term ‘Partnership’ implies ‘respect, trust, shared benefits’ The ‘image transfer’ that is gained from UN or NGO ‘partners’ has strong emotional and financial value especially for corporations and those who represent their interests and whose marketing, lobbying and other practices damage health, the environment and human rights.An undefined reference to the term ‘Partnership’ in this context is unwise and inappropriate. Interactions with the Private Sector can be necessary in order to make decisions, however but they must be carefully conceived, planned and managed and must not undermine or subvert the primary mission of States to safeguard citizens Right to Health. If there are to be partnerships, partners MUST share the same primary objective. It is totally inappropriate for policy making to be influenced by commercial considerations as a result of a lack of attention paid to these matters and undue deference paid to private sector interests. . The Private Sector is simply one among many societal actors that must operate within a legal framework determined democratically by people (ideally)/government. In the absence of appropriate definitions and safeguards SDG 17 has been and is being used to fundamentally change the global health and nutrition governance structure. This is undermining States and UN agencies capacity to fulfill their constitutional core functions and their role in proposing health conventions and regulations and the building of the international Rule of Law. As mentioned in comments on SDG2, It is critically important that the SDGs do not lead to over emphasise short-term, technical intervention or undermine measures that address the underlying structural causes of malnutrition and measures to safeguard planetary health. Emphasis should be placed on strengthening communities’ self-determination and capacity to feed themselves in dignity, including supporting breastfeeding and bio-diverse foods