Improved decision-making by the governing bodies

The Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly, Having considered the report on improved decision-making by the governing bodies, 1

1. DECIDES to introduce webcasting of future public meetings of committees A and B of the Health Assembly, as well as of its plenary meetings, to all internet users through a link on the WHO website, subject to resolution of any relevant technical issues and the availability of financial resources;

2. APPROVES the recommendations of the Executive Board, contained in decision EB134 (3), to rent a cost-effective and secure electronic voting system for the nomination and appointment of the Director-General, and to test such a system in advance through mock votes by the governing bodies before the election of the next Director-General;

3. DELETES Rule 49 and REPLACES Rule 48 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly, with effect from the closure of the Sixty-seventh World Health Assembly, with the following text: “Formal proposals relating to items of the agenda may be introduced until the first day of a regular session of the Health Assembly and no later than two days before the opening of a special session. All such proposals shall be referred to the committee to which the item of the agenda has been allocated, except if the item is considered directly in a plenary meeting.”;

4. FURTHER DECIDES that progress reports shall henceforth be considered only by the Health Assembly and no longer by the Executive Board.

Eighth plenary meeting, 23 May 2014 A67/VR/8


1    Document A67/5.

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