Sign up for IBFAN’s 3rd Breastfeeding Conference: Breastfeeding and healthy complementary feeding. Rio Nov 11-15th
The International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) with the support of the Government of Brazil and public universities, proudly host a joint meeting of the Third World Breastfeeding Conference (3rd WBC), the First World Complementary Feeding Conference (1st WCFC), the XV Brazilian Breastfeeding Meeting (XV ENAM) and the V Brazilian Healthy Complementary Feeding Meeting (V ENACS) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 11 to 15 November 2019.
These meetings will be preceded by the “Thousand Mothers Breastfeeding” promotion mass media event, on the 11th November.
The Conference will call for committed action and provide a platform for breastfeeding advocates, governments, scientists, civil society organizations, UN agencies, international organizations, research institutions, public interest groups, students, community health care workers, and other stakeholders to discuss and share experiences. It will provide an opportunity to review actions directed to scale up effective healthy infant feeding policies and recommendations.
The conference will address breastfeeding as a human right, emphasizing women’s rights, children’s rights, the right to healthy food and nutrition, and maternity protection, among other themes. You are kindly invited to join the Conference, bringing your expertise as well as sharing your important work in the fields above.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Marina Rea, Maria Inês C. Oliveira, Cristiano Boccolini, Inês Rugani, Fabiana Müller and Marta Trejos