142nd session of the Executive Board 22–27 January 2018, Geneva, Switzerland CLICK HERE for the webcasts of all the meetings. This has been a hectic week once more at the WHO Executive Board (EB)- and we have needed to give…
G2H2 the Geneva Global Health Hub – pre meeting before
WHO governance: The conversation continues Civil society meetings related to WHO EB142, 19-20 January 2018 Baby Milk Action is a member of the Geneva Global Health Hub G2H2 that was launched during a civil society side event at the 69th World…
New paper: Attempts to Redefine Conflicts of Interest in Medicine
Attempts to Redefine Conflict of Interest. Accountability in Research. December 6, 2017. Marc A. Rodwin. DOI: 10.1080/08989621.2017.1405728 English version HERE French version: HERE Abstract: The traditional legal concept of conflict of interest is a practical tool to regulate conduct. In…
French salmonella baby milk scandal ‘affects 83 countries’
French salmonella baby milk scandal ‘affects 83 countries’ 14th January 2017 CLICK HERE for the BBC World Service interview with Alison Linnecar, IBFAN global working group on chemical and microbiological contamination of infant feeding products. (Click Here for the website) The…