New IBFAN comments on Resolution on WHO Guidance on Ending inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and Young Children
Following the meeting of Member States on 2nd May, there will be another meeting on 20th May to discuss the Resolution that will Adopt the above Guidance.
IBFAN has compiled new Comments on the latest version of the draft Resolution called “COMPILE DOCUMENT 3 MAY 2016” : IBFANCOMMENTSRESOLUTION.3.5.16
The latest version of the Guidance is on this Link: ADVANCE VERSION – A69_7_Add 1 – Version dated 28 APRIL 2016 (FOR DISPATC… Previous IBFAN comments are on this link:
IBFAN is calling for the deletion of many of the amendments proposed by the USA, EU and Canada, and several other changes, including these two key ones:
OPERATIVE PARA 2 (a) to take all necessary measures to implement the guidance on ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for infants and young children, INSERT: AS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT while taking into account existing legislation and policies, as appropriate;
OPERATIVE PARA 2 (d) DELETE this whole para: to implement, through national legislation, the Codex Guidelines on Formulated Complementary Foods for Older Infants and Young Children and other relevant Codex standards and guidelines, and to ensure that arrangements are in place and that adequate resources are available to enact, monitor and enforce such legislation;
REPLACE WITH: Require Codex standards and guidelines to be coherent with all WHO guidelines and recommendations, including the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant WHA resolutions.
Worth noting the EU Policy on its place in the world that seems to have been forgotten.
EU in the World
Public Health (17-09-2015) Commission and WHO Europe scale up cooperation
EU in the world Policy
In its relations with EU and non EU countries and international organisations in the field of public health, the EU aims to:
- foster good health in the EU and beyond
- address health imbalances between countries and regions within the EU
- raise awareness of global health issues, as part of its global public health policy
- promote high quality public health principles, standards and legislation.
These aims are addressed through various policies and cooperation with relevant stakeholders.
Global health
Health is influenced by social, economic and environmental factors which are increasingly influenced by globalisation. In this framework, the EU is a major actor on worldwide improvement of health, reduction of disparities, and protection against global health threats
I agree entirely with the IBFAN comments.