WHO Global Congress on the Implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes
This Congress was a first for WHO since the Code’s adoption in 1981. For three days, over 400 delegates from 130 countries, worked in Plenary and in regional groups, focusing on how to bring in strong legislation and Conflict of Interest safeguards that could help end predatory marketing.
In an important acknowledgment of the role that citizens’ actions and campaigns such as the Nestlé Boycott played in the adoption of the Code and the 20 subsequent WHA Resolutions, the 8-minute IBFAN film, made for the 40th Anniversary of the Code, was screened along with the Nestlé whistleblower movie Tigers.
Much to the annoyance of ISDI (the International Special Dietary Foods Industries) commercial companies were excluded. However, some choice sections of ISDI’s Statement calling for a ‘multi-stakeholder approach’ were read out: “…To examine the effectiveness of the implementation of the WHO Code, a holistic, multi-stakeholder approach is required to create an all-inclusive, supportive ecosystem to encourage breastfeeding and to improve nutritional outcomes for mothers, infants and young children…”
A host of new and important briefings and tools are now available – HERE and HERE.