We hope you like our new website! Older documents, press releases and blog spots from our previous website are still being copied over.

The new site was developed after Baby Milk Action’s members and supporters told us how they would like to see our old website improved.

In particular, it should display well on smartphones and tablets as well as laptops and desktop computers.

We asked you for your comments on the new website from the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN). That feedback was positive, with a large majority agreeing we should follow a similar style.

That is what we have done.

Baby Milk Action is the UK member of IBFAN and we wanted to make this more obvious. You will see our new logo also mentions this.

New postings will be made to this website.

Our old websites are still online, because we think it is important that the historic information continues to available.

Our previous website can be found at http://info.babymilkaction.org/ – documents are being copied over from this site and the old addresses will redirect to the new addresses.

Our original website was on this ‘www’ domain name. All those pages can still be found by replacing the ‘www’ with ‘archive’.

For example, if the address was:


The archive address will be:


We have updated a lot of the addresses within our site already, but do let us know if you find dead links so we can fix them.

The online Virtual Shop continues to operate on the archive site for the time being, using the Romancart secure shopping cart and a variety of secure payment options. In the near future this will be moved to this new site – and again it is being designed to work well on smartphones and tablets.

We hope this new approach meets the requirements you told us about and would love to hear your opinions.

Either contact us or post them below.

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