From 3 -7 September 2018, a team from ICDC comprising our Legal Advisor, Yeong Joo Kean, Programme Manager, Constance Ching and rookie Legal Officer, Jane Tang, were in Myanmar. They were on a UNICEF mission to train government officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on their responsibilities under the Myanmar Law which gives effect to the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. This was ICDC’s third trip to Myanmar in 4 years. Prior to the training course, the team, accompanied by UNICEF officials, paid a courtesy call on Deputy Director General of FDA. They discussed the setting up of a sustainable monitoring mechanism to provide a feasible and effective way for the FDA to take follow-up/enforcement actions on errant companies. ICDC is hopeful that the skills and knowledge the officials picked up at the training will be put to good use and the Myanmar Law given effect.
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