Links to useful article on Conflicts of Interest.
Click on the Conflicts of Interest tag for blog posts on this topic.
Click here for the Alliance Against Conflicts of Interest in India
CLICK HERE for a link to papers relating to IBFAN’s capacity-building conference on COI Dec 2015
CLICK HERE for a paper by Judith Richter on Conflicts of Interest and Nutrition Governance
Valente, F. (2016). “Nutrition and food – how government for and by the people became government for and by the TNCs.” TNI.
Richter, J. (2014). “Time to turn the tide: WHO’s engagement with non-State actors & the politics of stakeholder-governance and conflicts of interest.” Rapid response to BMJ online letter by Nigel Hawkes, ‘Irrelevant’ WHO outpaced by younger rivals d5012 (Title of Hawkes’s BMJ print feature article: Will WHO reforms open the doors to private donors?
Birn, A.-E. J. Richter (Forthcoming 2017). U.S. Philanthrocapitalism and the Global Health Agenda: The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Past and Present. Health Care under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health. eds. Howard Waitzkin and the Working Group for Health Beyond Capitalism, Monthly Review Press
Posted in May on
also posted 6 June 2017 by Oslo Academy of Global Governance
Attempts to Redefine Conflict of Interest. Accountability in Research.
December 6, 2017. Marc A. Rodwin. DOI: 10.1080/08989621.2017.1405728 English version HERE French version: HERE
Abstract: The traditional legal concept of conflict of interest is a practical tool to regulate conduct. In recent years several medical authors have defined conflicts of interest in ways that stray from its original legal meaning. The new definitions cause conceptual confusion and will result in policies that cannot be implemented effectively. Recent attempts to redefine conflicts of interest deviate from the legal concept and will lead to deregulation of financial conflicts and overregulation of so-called intellectual conflicts.
New articles:[3814]ling[3]anx[951].pdf
Birn, A.-E. & J. Richter (2018). U.S. Philanthrocapitalism and the Global Health Agenda: The Rockefeller and Gates Foundations, Past and Present. Health Care under the Knife: Moving Beyond Capitalism for Our Health. eds. Howard Waitzkin and the Working Group for Health Beyond Capitalism, Monthly Review Press
The advance English chapter can still be accessed under e.g.: or
The Portuguese translation is at:
Birn, A.-E. & J. Richter (2018) “Filantropo-capitalismo estadunidense e a agenda da saúde global: as fundações Rockefeller e Gates, passado e presente” Dossiê: Geografia e Saúde: uma aproximação possível e relevante 2018, 20(2): 27-39.
The Spanish translation : Anne-Emanuelle Birn & Judith Richter(2018)
El filantrocapitalismo de los EUA y la agenda mundial de salud: las Fundaciones Rockefeller y Gates, pasado y presente. Medicina Social, Vol. 11, Núm. 3 (2018)