Press release 3 June 2012

President Benigno S. Aquino III of the Philippines, who will shortly arrive in the UK, has been sent a message by Baby Milk Action and members of the public from around the world calling on him to stand firm in the face of lobbying from the baby food industry. The Infant and Pediatric Nutrition Association of the Philippines (IPNAP), consisting of Nestlé, Mead Johnson, Abbott and Fonterra, is pressing for amendments to Philippines law to be allowed to promote baby milks and target mothers with so-called ‘educational’ activities. Strong regulations came into force in 2007 after the industry brought an unsuccessful challenge against the government at the Supreme Court. According to the World Health Organisation 16,000 babies die every year in the Philippines due to inappropriate feeding.

Over 1,200 people from more than 40 countries have signed a petition of solidarity with the people of the Philippines.

For further details, download Baby Milk Action’s letter.

Contact: Mike Brady, Campaigns and Networking Coordinator, at

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