I am pleased to send you the invitation and connection links to the second session of the Informal WHA75 premeeting on 21 April at 15.30-18.30 CEST (Geneva, Paris).
The agenda for the session is:
Pillar 3: One billion more people enjoying better health and well-being
15:30-16:30: 17.2 Health Promotion and Wellbeing in the WHO Implementation Framework for Billion 3
16:30-17:30: 17.1 Maternal, infant and young child nutrition
Pillar 1: One billion people benefiting from universal health coverage
17:30-18:30: 15. Human Resources for Health
Kindly refer to the Seventy-Fifth World Health Assembly website for the documents for the relevant agenda items, if available:https://apps.who.int/gb/e/e_wha75.html.
Please use the following link to attend the Informal WHA75 pre-meetings for Member States, non-State actors and the Secretariat
Time: Apr 21, 2022 15:30 Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Apr 28, 2022 15:00
May 6, 2022 10:00
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 965 0145 5621
Passcode: WHA75#Prem
Join by SIP
Meeting ID: 965 0145 5621
Passcode: 7183121048
Please remember to use the following naming convention in order to be admitted to the event:
Affiliation (Name, SURNAME)
e.g. WHO (Joe, DOE): Joe DOE is working for the World Health Organization
We encourage you to make statements from the floor. When in the meeting, you may ask for the floor by raising your hand on the platform. When the moderator gives you the floor, please unmute yourself to speak. Kindly keep your remarks short to allow others to be able to make remarks. If you do not wish to speak but wish to ask a question, use the chat function on the platform which is reserved for questions and remarks.
The meeting is interpreted in the 6 WHO official languages. You can select the language when joining the meeting. For interpreters to interpret accurately, the audio quality is key. Please keep the audio off, when you are not speaking. Kindly wear a headset (or Earset) equipped with a microphone to improve the quality of the audio. Remember also to speak slowly and clearly to be well understood. Additional guidance attached.
The meeting is also streamed on the following website: – https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2022/04/11/default-calendar/informal-wha75-pre-meeting-for-member-states–non-state-actors-in-official-relations-and-the-secretariat-during-11-april-to-6-may-2022
Looking forward to your active participation in the session.
Warm regards,
Taina Nakari
External Relations Officer
Health and Multilateral Partnerships, External Relations, WHO Geneva
Mobile: +41 (0)79 217 3462
Web: www.who.int