Here are the upcoming screenings: 29th July 2019, Mermaid Arts Centre, Bray Co Wicklow 4th August, Sunday, 13.00.Prince Charles, London Leicester Square, TICKETS 4th August, Sunday, 5pm, The Loft Cinema, Hereford. TICKETS 12th August, The Curzon, 7.30, Clevedon 11th…
IBFAN at the 42nd Codex Commission meeting in Geneva
I attended the Codex meeting in Geneva and spoke on several subjects, including the concern by African countries about additives added to liquid milk, and the need to ensure that there are safeguards against commercial interest, especially of the…
Commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region (2019)
Commercial foods for infants and young children in the WHO European Region (2019) Download. English (PDF, 5.5 MB) A study of the availability, composition and marketing of baby foods in four European countries In order to help Member States…
Human rights risks of multi-stakeholder partnerships: the Scaling Up Nutrition Initiative
Human rights risks of multi-stakeholder partnerships: the Scaling Up Nutrition Initiative Laura Michéle, FIAN International, Kavya Chowdhry, FIAN International, Patti Rundall, IBFAN and Stefano Prato, SID FULL REPORT: SUN EXCERPT: SUN Spotlight_2019
NGOs leave EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity & Health
Platform pages NGOs leave EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity & Health Stop Press: Page 71 of the revised European Union Health Policy Book, published by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. ‘’…The Platform lost momentum when…
IBFAN comment on EFSA open session on age of introduction of baby foods
IBFAN comment on EFSA Public Consultation on the draft scientific opinion on appropriate age for introduction of baby foods. 93rd NDA Plenary Meeting in Parma. – 3rd July 2019 Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) After attending the…
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health
Why ‘No Deal’ would be a disaster for human health While EU Legislation on baby food marketing fails to meet WHO marketing requirements on several important areas (1) in terms of food safety and Human Rights, EU laws are some…