Liberal Democrats – @LibDems
Health spokesperson, Norman Lamb.
Thank you for enquiring about the Liberal Democrats’ position on early child nutrition and breastfeeding.
The Liberal Democrats have long championed and supported women who choose to breastfeed. It should be up to each parent to decide what is right for them, and no woman should be made to feel uncomfortable or stigmatised for something that is completely natural.
We welcome the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and related resolutions to guarantee the safety and appropriate marketing of substitute products. It is important that pregnant women and new mothers are provided with independent and evidence-based information about breastfeeding and alternatives such as formula milk, to allow them to make an informed decision in the best interests of mother and child.
I can also confirm the Liberal Democrats’ support for the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. We will pursue the recommendations of the Strategy in the next parliament, along with concerns about the UK’s score in the WBTi assessment regarding the low levels of breastfeeding in the UK compared with other countries.
With best wishes,
Norman Lamb