COMPILATION: Greed-flation The cost of infant formula in the UK and in many other countries has been increasing unjustifiably rapidly, with an average price increase of 24%1 in two years from 2021 to 2023 with a 45% price increase with…
IBFAN at the 76th World Health Assembly
Tuesday 23rd May. The public health NGOs – annoyingly called Non State Actors (NSAs) – who stayed on till 11pm to speak on the Emergency Debate. Standing: Baba Aye. Public Services International, Seated Left Jaume Vidal, HAI, Patti Rundall on…
Speak Out Against False Formula Advertising: An Open Letter to the FDA
THE BLOG Speak Out Against False Formula Advertising: An Open Letter to the FDA 10/28/2016 01:17 pm ET | Updated 16 hours ago Jennifer Grayson Journalist and author of Unlatched: The Evolution of Breastfeeding and the Making of a Controversy (HarperCollins) The Food and…
Nestlé and Hershey escape child labour labelling charge
Two class action lawsuits against companies Nestle and Hershey in the United States were dismissed after a federal court ruled there is no duty to disclose the use of child labour in the cocoa supply chain. The suits were brought by…