Who do you think is working to bring in laws to end harmful marketing practices?
Who do you think will expose how baby food companies are misleading parents and sponsoring event for health workers – in the UK and globally – in order to promote their formula brands?
Who do you think raises the issue of conflicts of interest and the corporate infiltration policy spaces with United Nations bodies and with health worker organisations closer to home?
Who do you look for to help when you see Nestlé or Danone trying to improve their images by linking with good causes?
Membership is just:
- £3 per month (equivalent of £36/year ) for the waged
- £4 per month (equivalent of £48/year) for family membership
- £12 per year (equivalent of £1/month) for the unwaged
- Organisational membership depends on the size of the organisation – see our online Virtual shop – click here.
If you would like to send us a one-off or monthly donation – click here.
Baby Milk Action is a small organisation, but over the years we have had a big impact
We have helped to strengthen policies and regulations at international level, the European Union and in the UK. CLICK here for a Chronology of our work on legislation since 1981.
We have stopped some cases of aggressive marketing by baby food companies through our campaigns where regulations do not exist or do not work.
We can be a strong, independent voice because we take no funding from companies
About half of our income comes from membership fees, donations and merchandise sales, plus fees for when staff are asked to speak or provide expert comments for public-interest organisations we work with.
The rest of our money comes from grants from development organisations and charitable trusts.
You will find details of our income and expenditure with our year reports.
Members can stand for our Board of Directors and vote for the Board
Our members are important for the democratic accountability of the organisation. We will send you our Year Report and invitation to our Annual General Meeting.
You will find the latest information on this website and can sign up for email alerts.
Various payment options are available, including monthly subscriptions or one-off payments.