Following the publication of new Guidance from the Royal College of Midwives there has been a flurry of media interest and some simply appalling media coverage that totally distorts the intent of the guidance.  Click Here

Thank heavens for Baby Feeding Law Group members who understand what’s needed.  Here is an excellent response from the UK Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative:

Here’s the link to the Daily Mail front page headline:

There was another big piece in the Guardian today (13th June) Click Here

BBC’s Newsnight last night featured Lauren Marks-Clee the founder of the website The Parenting Chapter – who claims that her struggle with breastfeeding made her post natal depression worse.

a few excerpts from her website:

So what can we do to support the professionals who work with parents when it comes to this change? My suggestions are as follows and this of course needs investment financially and time:

  • Professionals who run classes/groups/drop ins, should be directed to rename sessions on breastfeeding to ‘how to feed your baby’ and teach parents to breast and bottle/formula feed in EQUAL levels of detail – with no bias whatsoever. How to sterilise bottle feeding equipment is key, but bottle manufacturers and all the products that go with it, shouldn’t be marketed en masse – too much choice equals confusion!
  • Encourage parents to consider why they want to feed their baby in the way they have planned and to review the ‘why’ every week in the first 6 weeks, but again when baby hits the weaning stage (from 17 weeks) and again, when mum is starting to plan to go back to work
  • Parenting professionals should be much more transparent about how breastfeeding can impact a mother AND father emotionally. Those who provide practical support to help mothers to breastfeed should be given training on mental health, including the signs of a disturbance and the action to take.  But of course….investment needs to be made into this area as well.


Daily Mail Headline that distorts the meaning of the new guidance from the Royal College of Midwives

daily mail 12.6.18-12062018160840


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